Please see the following sections on how you can help and support
the cause of Renaissance
Introducing the Journal
If you agree with the message of the journal, you can introduce
the journal to your circle of friends. Please send us the addresses of people
who seem interested in the journal; we will send them some free specimen copies
of the journal. Besides individuals, you can also send us the addresses of
Mosques, Libraries, Islamic Centres and various other institutions where you
think the journal can be posted.
Writing for the Journal
If are a writer, journalist or a scholar and can write for the
journal, do send us your articles. They shall be published if they are
consistent with our policy. We specially welcome articles relating to the state
of Islam and the Muslims in your areas, Islamic history and culture and
perceptions of non-Muslims about Islam.
Providing Technical Assistance
If you are a web designer or a software expert, you can help us
by suggesting various techniques and spackages to improve this web site.
Providing Financial Support
You can give your donations and zakat to the cause of
Renaissance. Remember that even a very small amount can prove very important to
keep the journal in circulation. Every contribution counts in a mission. Don’t
shy away if you can contribute very little. It’s the spirit that is important.
You can send your donations:
Bank: Muslim Commercial Bank
Account Title: Renaissance
Account Number: 0096 7010 1002 3437
Branch: Bank Square Model Town, Lahore Pakistan
Branch code: 0967
IBAN Number: PK13 MUCB 0096 7010 1002 3437