Important Queries Sorted By Writers
Queries Answered by Siddiq Bukhary
For Queries earlier than 1991, please click here.
Writers List
Adnan Zulfiqar
Ameer Hamza
Asif Iftikhar
Dr Khalid Zaheer
Dr. Shehzad Saleem
Firas Ahmad
Jhangeer Hanif
Saadia Malik
Siddiq Bukhary
Tariq Haashmi
- ‘Ālamīn and Extraterrestrial Species   (June 2004)
Political Issues
- Islamic Change and Revolution   (May 2004)
- Ombudsman in Islam   (August 2003)
- Why are Muslims not United?   (April 2003)
Social Issues
- Conflict between Mother and Wife   (June 2004)
- Headscarf in Islam   (May 2004)
- Secret Nikāh   (May 2004)
- Involvement in Worldly Activities   (April 2004)
- Visiting Graveyards   (May 2003)
- Hajj vs Charity?   (May 2004)
- Prescribed Methods of the Prayer for Men and Women   (May 2003)
- Offering Religious Rituals with a Tattooed Body   (April 2003)
- Does Hajj become compulsory after doing ‘Umrah?   (January 2003)
- A Distraction in Prayer   (January 2003)
- Was Muhammad (sws) a Political Leader?   (January 2003)
Islamic Punishments
- The Jail Punishment   (May 2004)
- Sphere of Preaching   (May 2004)
- Influence of a Tablīghī   (August 2003)
- Conversion to Hinduism   (February 2003)
- Islam and Tasawwuff   (June 2004)
- Negative Thoughts   (June 2004)
- Queries of a Hindu   (February 2003)
God and Monotheism
- Forgiveness   (April 2004)
- Why is ‘Love’ not a name of Allah?   (August 2003)
- God of Love or the God of War   (April 2003)
- The Status of bowing down before Spiritual Guides   (February 2003)
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