Answer: The existence of God is a fact that cannot be
denied. All explanations, save the one which asserts that an Omnipotent and
Benevolent Creator rules the universe, fail to solve the riddle that our
universe is. `Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth'. This verse of
the Quran alludes to the same fact: it is only when we accept his existence that
the universe becomes meaningful. Why did it come into existence and what is its
fate? Questions as these cannot be answered if one does not accept the existence
of God.
Now when we observe the universe, we notice very clearly
an element of planning and control in it. Various laws and principles govern the
universe and sustain it. Similarly, when we reflect upon the relationship
between our world and oursleves and between our world and the universe, we see
that one of the most prominent features of these relationships is providence
that sustains us and our development and growth. The earth, we see, is perfectly
suitable to cater for the needs of man and the rest of the universe is also
assisting the earth in this regard. Each and every facet of our life and of the
universe is indicative of providence, benevolence, planning, control and wisdom.
It is this reality which impels us to accept that a Benevolent and Omnipotent
Being is the Creator, Sustainer, Ruler and Lord of the universe.
He who does not see this reality is as a blind man who
denies the existence of the sun in broad daylight and insists that others should
prove its existence on the basis of arguments.