Answer: Reading the Qur’ān during
this state whether by heart or through the Book is not forbidden by the Shari`ah.
Only sexual intercourse is
forbidden during this period. Other forms of sexual interaction are allowed. The
Qur’ān says:
They ask you concerning women's
courses. Tell them: They are an impurity. So keep away from women in their
courses and do not approach them until they are clean. But when they have
purified themselves approach them in the manner the Almighty has directed you
[in your instincts] -- for Allah loves those who constantly repent and keep
themselves clean. (2:222)
Anas Ibn Mālik reports in the
Sahīh of Imām Muslim:
Amongst the Jews, when a woman
menstruated, they did not dine with her nor did they live with her in their
houses. So the companions of the Prophet asked him and Allah revealed ... (See
2:222 above). The Prophet then said: You can do everything except having
intercourse with her. (Kitābu’l Hayd) |