Answer: ‘Jallālah’ means an animal that
is addicted to eating filth. There is no difference of opinion as far as the
definition is concerned. Ibn ‘Umar reports:
The Prophet (sws) prohibited the meat
and milk of Jallālah. (Abū Da’ūd, Kitābu’l-At‘imah)
A little deliberation on the nature of
the directive and on its relation to the original sources of Islam shows that
its prohibition is not part of the Islamic Sharī‘ah. It belongs to the category
of directives that forbid certain things whose abhorrence is found in human
Among the authorities whose opinion we
know, Imam Mālik regards it to be undesirable (makrūh) and Imam Shāf‘ī calls it
prohibited (harām).
In my opinion, the word Jallālah does
not apply to the situation you have described. Animal feed is prepared from
animal extracts through a chemical process that changes the original material.
The answer to your last question is in
the negative as well. Muslims can use the meat of all animals which are
slaughtered the Islamic way. This of course does not mean that Islam condones
the maltreatment of animals.