Answer: The word Gabriel is mentioned
separately because the Jews showed great disregard to him and respected Michael.
They are told that both are Allah’s angels and showing disrespect to one is like
showing disrespect to all.
In the words of Abdu’l-Mājid Daryābādī:
The Jewish conception is that Gabriel
stands nearest to Michael but does not equal him in rank. (JE. V. p. 541)
, and is the ‘angel of heavenly vengeance and of fire’. (JE. I. p. 593).
The Jews considered Michael to be their national guardian, and made a grievance
of the agency of Gabriel who according to them was the messenger of wrath and
punishment. It was Michael, they said, who was the messenger of peace and
plenty. Hence, they proceeded that they must treat as spurious the revelation
ascribed to the instrumentality of Gabriel. (Daryābādī,
1st ed., vol. 1 [Karachi: Dāru’l-Ishā‘at, 1991] p. 64)