Answer: In my
humble opinion, one basic thing needs to be understood: Human intellect, you
would agree, has its own limitations. It can falter and err and of course be
different in different scholars. Hence the different interpretations of certain
directives of Islam are but a natural outcome of this premise. In this regard,
the real thing is the arguments which are presented in support of a viewpoint. A
person is required to weigh these arguments in the scales of sense and reason
and decide which one appeals to his intellect the most. He should adopt that
particular viewpoint, since he would be held accountable according to his own
understanding of religion.
Furthermore, no
one is guided by divine revelation after the termination of the institution of
Prophethood with the departure of Muhammad (sws) and it is his or her judgement
which must be exercised. Therefore, no one can be certain whether he has
attained the absolute truth or not. He must keep his eyes and ears open to
criticism and cling to whatever he thinks to be the truth till he has reason to
abandon it and accept a new premise as truth. Moreover, in adopting or forming
an opinion in religious matters, the real thing is sincerity of judgement. As
long as a person is sincere in exercising his judgement, it does not matter what
conclusion is reached. As the Prophet of Allah has put it: a person who strives
to form an opinion can reach the right conclusion and he can also reach the
wrong one; if he reaches the right conclusion he will be rewarded twice in
magnitude and if he is lead to the wrong conclusion he shall still be rewarded
though of single magnitude. This shows that the real thing in this regard is the
sincerity of effort put in. |