Praying between or among statues or images does not nullify the
prayer – though it may affect your concentration. But then as you have
mentioned that all the statues and images are in a specific room. So you can
easily pray in a different room.
As far as eating with your parents is concerned, if the food is specifically
cooked with the intention that it would be presented to the Buddha statues,
then such food should be abstained from. Islam forbids a Muslim to eat food
that is offered to some deity since this is an idolatrous practice. You can
eat food (except meat) cooked by them which is not made with this intention.
As far as eating meat of animals slaughtered by them is concerned, this
should be abstained from. The reason is that Islam wants people to eat the
meat slaughtered by people who basically subscribe to monotheism. Buddhists
cannot be regarded so.