Answer: The
basic source left among us by the Holy Prophet (sws) is the Holy Qur’ān. It is
the origin of religious authority and is the Mīzān (Balance) (42:17) and the
Furqān (Criterion) (25:1) which decides the validity of any religious matter.
The Prophet (sws) had no authority to render any Qur’ānic directive ineffective.
Scholars of the science of Hadīth have set the principles of accepting a Hadīth.
A Hadīth can in no way be accepted when it is against the purport of the Qur’ān
and established Sunnah.
Therefore, such
a view is not acceptable since it deprives the ultimate and final authority –
the Holy Qur’ān – of its true place and renders the whole corpus of Islamic
beliefs in jeopardy because the Hadīth literature contains conflicting things.
The sayings of
the Prophet (sws) which are usually cited to prove that the Prophet (sws)
abrogated certain Qur’ānic directives are often misconstrued. As regards the
matter of timing of prayer, it originated from the Sunnah and not from the Holy
Qur’ān. The Sunnah we know is an independent source of Islam. |