[Lord! Give me faith, which gives a man...]
The strength to be weak -- [for thine sake]
to see himself
-- his weakness
and to accept it -- in front of everyone
The strength to change, to move on -- against the tide --
all alone
The strength of demolish -- that which he had built
in many long
with his own
in great pain and
with great love
And the strength to dream -- once again
The strength to build again
to demolish again
and to dream -- yet again
The ambition to achieve -- nothing
The ambition to make the effort
And the heart to see that -- as achievement
They courage to lose, and to see that -- as triumph
The courage to bear -- persecution, banishment
And the power to take revenge -- by forgiving
and loving
and giving
The gift of giving -- himself
without letting anyone know
and of smiling -- alone