Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?
For as long as the political process has trudged along
after the last martial law, political leaders have been falling out over who
has done more for the country. Yet, the widespread social malaise these days
indicates a general lack of confidence in any leader’s ability or in his
sincerity or in both. Even the great Khan’s image, with dwindling political
support from the masses for him, his party’s promiscuous memberships and his
not-so-radical strategies for achieving lofty goals, does not any longer
seem to be the emblem of hope that it was initially expected to be. The
efficacy of the programmes each leader has will depend a great deal on his
sincerity, political strength and the effectiveness of the programmes
Religious parties and their leaders lack the political
strength to bring about any positive change. In many cases, their leaders
and members, inebriated with a perniticious belief in their own
righteousness and superiority, chalk out preposterously ineffective
programmes and regard all opposition to their plans to be the outcome of
disregard for religion. This line of thinking inevitably breeds
sectarianism. These parties and their leaders can best serve this nation and
the Ummah by staying out of politics.
Unfortunately, no one, even among the political
leaders of our country, has the stature of a national leader -- one who, on
the basis of his personality, character and service and on the basis of his
vision and sagacity, has such hold on the masses that they would go along
with him in the face of extreme hardships to achieve the targets he sets for
the nation and one who has a committed team of competent and dedicated
But if there were such a leader -- and let’s hope that
some day there will be --, one
would like to suggest him a few basic measures to take the country away from
the catastrophe towards which it seems to be edging closer day by day.
Of the areas in which drastic measures are required,
the three most important are:
i) the economy
ii) the system of education
iii) the mosque
Apart from these key areas, concrete changes are also
needed in social and legal set-up.
In a special section of this issue, Shahzad Saleem
presents a nine-point suggestion based on the ideas of Javed Ahmad Ghamidi
for the required measures that the rulers in our society need to take. This
suggestion is followed by a look at some of the pertinent issues in more
detail. It is hoped that those who take charge after the elections on 3
February will pay some heed to solving real issues rather than preening
themselves on palliatives as their predecessors did before them.