Both these
surahs form a pair with regard to their subject-matter. The
law of retribution which is validated by the first surah is
used to warn a prominent chief of the Quraysh in the second
one. He is informed that if he does not mend his ways, he
shall become a victim of this unchanging law. Both surahs
apparently address the Prophet (sws); however, a little
deliberation shows that the actual addressees are the leaders
of the Quraysh whose defiant and rebellious attitude was now
reaching its extreme. It is evident from the subject-matter of
the surahs that they were revealed in Makkah, just before the
Prophet’s migration to Madinah, in the phase of itmam al-hujjah
of the Prophet Muhammad’s (sws) preaching mission.
The theme of Surah al-Tin is to validate
the Day of Judgement and to warn the Quraysh with its
reference that the truth has now been communicated in a
conclusive manner; hence, they have nothing with them but
stubbornness and obstinacy to deny it.
The theme of Surah al-‘Alaq is to sound a
note of severe warning and threat to an eminent leader of the
Quraysh that if even after being taught and reminded through a
Book like the Qur’an he persists in his arrogance, he should
get ready to face its consequences: very soon the guards of
the Almighty shall drag him and cast him to the deep pit of
Hell, and none of his comrades and associates will be able to
help him.
Surah Tin
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
وَالتِّينِ وَالزَّيْتُونِ (١)
وَطُورِ سِينِينَ (٢)
وَهَذَا الْبَلَدِ الْأَمِينِ (٣)
لَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنسَانَ فِي أَحْسَنِ تَقْوِيمٍ (٤)
ثُمَّ رَدَدْنَاهُ أَسْفَلَ سَافِلِينَ (٥)
إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ فَلَهُمْ
أَجْرٌ غَيْرُ مَمْنُونٍ (٦)
In the name of God, the Most Gracious,
the Ever Merciful.
The [mountains of] Fig and Olive
bear witness and [so does] the mount of Sinai
and this secure city
of [yours] that We created man [in these places] in the best
of moulds. Then We reverted him to the lowest [state] when he
himself wanted to become low.
As for those who accepted faith and did righteous deeds, for
them shall be a reward unending.
فَمَا يُكَذِّبُكَ بَعْدُ بِالدِّينِ (٧)
أَلَيْسَ اللَّهُ بِأَحْكَمِ الْحَاكِمِينَ (٨)
Then [O Prophet] what is it that denies
you about the Day of Judgement?
[Ask them:] “Is not God the best of Judges?”
Surah ‘Alaq
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ (١)
خَلَقَ الْإِنسَانَ مِنْ عَلَقٍ (٢)
اقْرَأْ وَرَبُّكَ الْأَكْرَمُ (٣)
الَّذِي عَلَّمَ بِالْقَلَمِ (٤)
عَلَّمَ الْإِنسَانَ مَا لَمْ يَعْلَمْ (٥)
In the name of God, the Most Gracious,
the Ever Merciful.
Read out to them [O Prophet]
in the name of your Lord Who has created
– created man from a clot of congealed blood.
Read out to them
and [in reality] your Lord is the Most Bounteous who taught
[this Qur’an] by the pen.
He gave man
[in it] that knowledge which he knew not.
كَلَّا إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ لَيَطْغَى (٦)
أَن رَّآهُ اسْتَغْنَى (٧)
إِنَّ إِلَى رَبِّكَ الرُّجْعَى (٨)
[Whatever frivolous talk they indulge in
against it is baseless O Prophet!] By no means! Man is surely
rebellious, as he considers himself self-sufficient.
[Let him think so;] to your Lord will he [one day] have to
return. (6-8)
أَرَأَيْتَ الَّذِي يَنْهَى (٩)
عَبْدًا إِذَا صَلَّى (١٠)
أَرَأَيْتَ إِن كَانَ عَلَى الْهُدَى (١١)
أَوْ أَمَرَ بِالتَّقْوَى (١٢)
أَرَأَيْتَ إِن كَذَّبَ وَتَوَلَّى (١٣)
أَلَمْ يَعْلَمْ بِأَنَّ اللَّهَ يَرَى (١٤)
Have you seen him who forbids a servant
[of God] when he prays.
Just consider if this servant happens to be on the right path
or urges [others] to piety?
Just see if this wretch is the one who denied and turned away?
Does he not know that God is watching? (9-14)
كَلَّا لَئِن لَّمْ يَنتَهِ لَنَسْفَعًا
بِالنَّاصِيَةِ (١٥)
نَاصِيَةٍ كَاذِبَةٍ خَاطِئَةٍ (١٦)
فَلْيَدْعُ نَادِيَه (١٧)
سَنَدْعُ الزَّبَانِيَةَ (١٨)
[This is nothing.] By no means! If he
does not desist, We shall drag him by the forelock, a lying
sinful forelock.
Then let him call his help-mates. We shall summon Our guards.
كَلَّا لَا تُطِعْهُ وَاسْجُدْ وَاقْتَرِبْ (١٩)
By no means! Heed him not and bow down in
prostration and draw near [Me in this manner].
10th March 2010
(Translated from Al-Bayan by Dr Shehzad