روي أنه قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: المسلم من سلم
المسلون من لسانه ويده والمؤمن من أمنه الناس على دمائهم وأموالهم والمجاهد من جاهد
نفسه في طاعة الله والمهاجر من هجر ما نهى الله عنه. والذي نفسي بيده لا يدخل الجنة
عبد لا يأمن جاره بوائقه.
It is narrated that the Prophet (sws) said: A true
Muslim is one from [the transgressions of] whose tongue
and hands, all other Muslims are safe; and a true mu’min is one from whom
people’s lives and wealth are secured; and a true mujāhid is one, who subdues
his inner self and forces it into God’s obedience; and a true muhājir is one,
who leaves everything that God has disapproved.
By Him, Who controls my life in His hand, no such person
shall enter Paradise, whose neighbor was not safe from his transgressions
Notes on the Text of the Narrative
This narrative or a part of it, with minor variations, has
been reported in Bukhārī (Nos. 10, 11 and 6119), Muslim (Nos. 40, 41 and 42),
Tirmidhī (Nos. 2504, 2627 and 2628), Nasā’ī (Nos. 4995, 4996 and 4999), Abū
Dā’ūd (No. 2481), Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (Nos. 6515, 6753, 6792, 6806, 6835, 6836,
6889, 6912, 6925, 6953, 6955, 6982, 6983, 7017, 7086, 8918, 12583, 15037, 15247,
15673, 15682, 17068, 19454, 24004 and 24013), Dārimī (Nos. 2712 and 2716), Ibn
Hibbān (Nos. 180, 196, 197, 230, 361, 399, 400, 510 and
4862), Bayhaqī (Nos. 20544, 20545 and 20928), Nasā’ī Sunan al-Kubrā (Nos. 8701,
11726, 11727 and 11730) Ibn Abī Shaybah (Nos. 19519 and 26496), ‘Abd al-Razzaq
(Nos. 8817, 20297, 20852), Abū Ya‘lā (Nos. 2273, 3909, 4187, 7286, 7288 and
7492) and Humaydī (No. 595). Except where otherwise specified, the preferred
text is the one reported in Bukhārī (No. 11).
In some narratives, as for instance in Bukhārī (No. 11),
the Prophet said these words when he was asked: أي الإسلام
أفضل؟ (what kind of Islam is the best?), while according to Muslim (No.
40), the Prophet (sws) said these words in response to the question:
أي المسلمين خير؟ (who is the best among Muslims?). In
yet another reporting, it is reported that the Prophet (sws) actually said:
أسلم المسلمين إسلاما (the Muslim, who is complete in
his acceptance of Islam). According to some of the narratives in Ahmad Ibn
Hanbal (as for instance, Nos. 24004, 24013 etc.), the Prophet (sws) said these
words during the address of the last hajj. Keeping the nature of the reported
saying in mind, it is quite understandable that the Prophet (sws) may have said
these words on different occasions to remind the Muslims of one of their primary
responsibilities towards their fellow Muslims, in particular, and their fellow
human beings, in general.
In some narratives, as for instance in Ahmad Ibn Hanbal
(No. 6753), the word المسلمون (other Muslims) has been
replaced by الناس (other people).
In some narratives, as for instance in Ahmad Ibn Hanbal
(No. 6925), the word الناس (people) has been replaced
by المؤمنون (believers).
The sentence والمؤمن من أمنه الناس على
دمائهم وأموالهم (and a true mu’min is one from whom people’s lives and
wealth are secured’) is reported in Tirmidhī (No. 2627).
The sentence والمجاهد من جاهد نفسه في
طاعة الله (and a true mujāhid is one, who subdues his inner self and
forces it into God’s obedience) is reported in Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (No. 24004).
In some narratives, as, for instance, Bukhārī (No. 11) or
Muslim (No. 41), the words: المهاجر من هجر ما نهى الله عنه
(a true muhājir is one, who leaves everything that God has disapproved) have
been omitted. While in some narratives, as for instance Ibn
Hibbān (No. 196) these words have been replaced by
المهاجر من هجر السيئات (a true muhājir is one, who leaves bad deeds).
The last part of the text, starting from
والذي نفسي بيده till the end is reported in Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (No. 12583).
(This write-u was prepared by the
Hadīth Cell of Jāved Ahmad Ghāmidī)